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Father and son admit extreme porn charges

Dartford Magistrates' Court
Dartford Magistrates' Court

A father and son have admitted possessing more than 20,000 extreme pornographic images.

David Finch, 55, and Michael Finch, 25, of Chastilian Road, Dartford, pleaded guilty to a total of 24 charges at Dartford Magistrates' Court today.

The pair were both arrested in August after police officers raided their home and seized computers.

David Finch, a self employed mechanic, was found to have 19,481 indecent images and 302 illegal movies.

Out of those, more than 1,000 were graded levels four and five, which are the most serious.

David Finch admitted 16 charges, including possessing images of sex with animals and six counts of making indecent images of children.

Darren Crispin, prosecuting, said Mr Finch admitted the offences when interviewed by police and that his wife of 25 years was unaware.

He added the images and movies were downloaded using file sharing software, but that he did not share them with his son.

Michael Finch, who is unemployed, admitted eight charges. Seven related to indecent images of children and one to animal pornography.

He was discovered to possess 126 indecent images and 320 movies - with more than 150 graded level four and five.

The court heard the images were downloaded over a two-year period.

Wayne Crowhurst, defending the pair, said his clients pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and expected to be sentenced at crown court.

He added that Michael Finch had to quit his IT training course because he is now not allowed to use a computer.

Magistrate Marion Maidment released the pair on bail, providing they could not be left unsupervised with a child and had no access to the internet unless with permission from their employer.

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