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Grandmother Susan Marshall shocked after man tried to break in to home in Temple Hill, Dartford

A grandmother was left terrified after a man tried to break into her home after looking through her window.

Susan Marshall is now warning others to keep an eye out for people acting suspiciously.

The mother-of-two was catching up on the Australian version of Love Island late on Monday night when she dozed off.

Susan Marshall was asleep when she heard someone outside
Susan Marshall was asleep when she heard someone outside

When she woke up just after midnight she saw a strange looking man peering through her window, at her home in Trevelyan Close, Temple Hill, Dartford, before trying to get through the front door.

The 54-year-old said: “Something woke me up, then my outside security lights came on. I thought I saw something out the corner of my eye, but I wasn’t sure if it was the top of a head but then it moved and sort of poked his head round the blinds, maybe to see if I was awake or not.

“I sat still as I was shocked and a man peeked around the curtain again, so then I jumped up and started screaming and shouting at him and banging on the windows.

The mother of two was left traumatised by the incident, but is now angry, and has since looked at installing CCTV cameras in her house.

“I woke up when he tried the door, luckily it was locked but to be honest it’s normally unlocked until I go to bed .

“I was freaked out at the time but now I’m just angry at how brazen he was.

Ray and Susan Marshall were at their homes when someone tried to break in
Ray and Susan Marshall were at their homes when someone tried to break in

“He could obviously see me when I was asleep in the chair, which is unsettling that somebody was watching me.”

Susan’s husband, Ray Marshall, heard her screams while he was sleeping and ran downstairs and out the door to look for the man, but couldn’t see anything.

Spokesman for the police, Vicki Foster, said: “We received a report at 8.23am on September 25 to a report of a man being seen in a back garden at just after midnight in Trevelyan Close, Dartford. Enquiries are ongoing.”

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