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Second year for Relay for Life event

Plans are well under way for a 24-hour fund-raising event taking place next month.

Sheppey Relay for Life will be at Barton’s Point Coastal Park, Sheerness, on Saturday and Sunday, May 9 and 10.

Relay for Life involves teams of friends, families and colleagues setting up camp then taking it in turns to walk around a track in relay for 24 hours to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Last year’s Sheppey relay raised more than £13,000.

Ten teams have already signed up to take part, and 11 survivors, who will take part in a lap of honour.

The opening ceremony will be at 12.45pm on the Saturday, with the first lap taking place at 1pm.

In the centre of the track, there will be activities taking place all day to raise more money.

A local surfer is hoping to raise money by being sponsored to stand on a body board on the lake for 24 hours, and he has contacted Guinness World Records to find out if this will be long enough to set a record.

There will be a display by the Kent Angelettes Baton Twirling Club and a performance by children from the Isle of Sheppey Music Centre.

The BRFM roadshow will be there on Saturday afternoon and musician Mick Kenton will be providing the evening entertainment.

At 8.45pm on Saturday there will be a Candle of Hope Ceremony, where candles which have been placed round the track are lit to remember loved ones touched by cancer.

The event will finish at 1pm on Sunday.

Organiser Lee Ewart said: “We are very much looking forward to this year’s relay.

“If we can raise as much as we did last year we will be more than happy and if we get more, great.”

There is still time to sign up for the relay at www.cancerresearchuk.org/relay or phone 08716412602.

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