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Service to remember respected lawyer

INFLUENTIAL: George Bracher
INFLUENTIAL: George Bracher

A SERVICE of thanksgiving for the life of George Bracher, one of Kent's most influential lawyers, will be held on Wednesday, September 3, at St James's Church, Egerton, near Ashford.

The service, starting at 3pm, will be conducted by the Rev Edmund Haviland, a close friend of Mr Bracher who suddenly died on August 20 at the age of 70.

Mr Bracher, who leaves a widow, Sarah, three children and eight grandchildren, had been a non-executive director of the Kent Messenger Group for the past five years.

The family has requested that no flowers be sent but that donations may be made to the Kennedy Strauss Singing Prize at the Royal Northern College of Music, c/o Wendy Bucham, Bracher's, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 8JH.

Mrs Bracher said the donations would go towards prizes for young singers of Richard Strauss's works. "George liked to help young musicians make their way," she stressed.

Mr Bracher, a past president and treasurer of the Kent Law Society, lived at Rock Hill Farmhouse, Rock Hill Road, Egerton, after retiring, in 1998, from the Maidstone firm of solicitors that bears his name.

Edwin Boorman, chairman of the Kent Messenger Group, said: "George, as a fellow KM director, put much into life. As a consequence, he enjoyed it. We all miss his laughter, his alert mind, but, above all, his kindness.

"We also miss his professional and shrewd advice as a lawyer. He grasped the legal position ahead of most and then gave practical advice which saved his clients many thousands of pounds.

"His specialisation in Trust law has not only helped many families but also helped to create Trusts from which many people in Kent have benefited."

Mr Boorman added: "Having built his own partnership into one of Kent's leading law firms, the KM was assisted greatly by his advice.

"At 70 years of age, George was active and as clear minded as a 30-year-old. His wife Sarah and family have lost the mainstay of their life and so deserve our support."

Geoffrey Dearing, the present managing partner of Brachers Solicitors, said: "He was a pillar of this firm during his time and we enjoyed great growth which we have tried to continue ever since. George was a very influential person in Kent and within legal circles. He will be greatly missed by us all."

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