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Shortlist for new Chief Constable is released

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Five names in the frame to be the new head of Kent Police have been released today.

The candidates have been whittled down by the Kent Police Authority for the post of Chief Constable.

It follows the retirement of Michael Fuller, who is taking on a new role of HM Chief Inspector at the Crown Prosecution Service.

The five lined up for interview are Giles York, Ian Learmonth, Simon Ash, Simon Cole and Alfred Hitchcock.

Mr York, aged 43, is the Deputy Chief Constable for Sussex Police and started his career in Kent in 1990.

He has served as Area Commander of Medway, and Head of Special Branch at Kent Police.

Mr Learmonth, aged 52, is Deputy Chief Constable for Norfolk Police and has been a serving police officer since 1976.

Mr Ash, aged 49, is Chief Constable of Suffolk Police and also began his career at Kent Police in 1982.

Simon Cole, aged 43, is Deputy Chief Constable for Hampshire Police.

And Alfred Hitchcock, aged 51, is a Deputy Assistant Commissioner in the Met Police and Head of the National College of Police Leadership and National Policing Improvement Agency.

Chairwoman of the Kent Police Authority Ann Barnes said: "Representatives from the Police Authority and Her Majesty's Inspector Zoe Billingham, have carried out a shortlisting exercise.

"We have narrowed eight candidates down to five highly experienced police officers.

"It was extremely difficult to shortlist as the authority wants the best for our police council taxpayers.

"We have to remember that Kent is a complex county it's not all rolling hills. There are different neighbourhoods, our coastline and a national infrastructure that needs to be kept safe.

"Whoever we appoint needs to have the skills for the job and all five shortlisted candidates are extremely well qualified.

"The Chief Constable of Kent is a very high profile position and the shortlisted candidates really understand the challenges of policing this wonderful county of ours.

"This appointment is one of the most important jobs the Police Authority does.

"The new Chief Constable provides the direction of the force and we can't afford to get it wrong.

"These are very exciting times and this is a fantastic opportunity for the individual who will be appointed."

The shortlisted applicants will be interviewed in May and an appointment made.

Adrian Leppard will act as temporary Chief Constable until the permanent appointment.

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