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Chairman quits amid fears for Gate's future

MARGATE'S troubled season has taken another twist with the shock resignation of chairman Jim Parmenter.

Mr Parmenter sent a letter to his fellow directors informing them of his decision on Tuesday but he has so far failed to say why.

His announcment came just two days before a crucial cabinet meeting of Thanet council could decide whether the club's multi-millionaire redevopment project for Hartsdown can go ahead.

Manager Chris Kinnear was broken the news by vice-chairman Keith Piper, who has now temporarily taken over as chairman. He admitted Mr Parmenter's resignation came as a shock.

Kinnear, who has been at the club for eight years, said: "I certainly had no inkling that this was coming and I've not got clue why he's gone because he's not given any reason.

"I've not really spoken to him for a while but that's really unusual. He'd missed a few games of late but we assumed that was down to his business."

Football secretary Ken Tomlinson said he too was at a loss to explain Mr Parmenter's resignation but was worried the timing of the decision could send out the wrong signal to supporters.

"Jim's done a lot for the club but it does seem strange to go now, when the prospects for the ground re-development are better than they've been for some time."

Today's council cabinet meeting must decide whether the club have met all the deadlines that were set by the local authority last autumn.If the answer is yes then work can finally resume at Hartsdown. The club hope to be back there by May but in the meantime will continue to groundshare at Dover.

Mr Parmenter was unavailable for comment.

Thanet council leader Cllr Sandy Ezekiel said today: "It is a serious situation for the club as we understand that Mr Parmenter was going to financially assist the club with the building of the statium.

"Now we have to look seriously at the options that are left. That's all I can say at the moment"

* MARGATE'S FA Trophy third round replay with Dorchester was postponed last night due to the Crabble pitch being waterlogged. The game must be played next week although the clubs have yet to agree on a day.

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