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Uddin in frame for police quiz

Uddin in frame for police quiz

Eight homeless after blaze

Eight homeless after blaze

Anger at BBC presenter losses

Anger at BBC presenter losses

Man injured after M2 incident

Man injured after M2 incident

Flood risk for Kent homes

Flood risk for Kent homes

Gravesend police incident

Gravesend police incident

Swine flu cases rise to 11

Swine flu cases rise to 11

Man accused of murdering child

Man accused of murdering child

Man denies trackside attack

Man denies trackside attack

School blaze

School blaze

Cycle trip

Cycle trip

Carter on housebuilding

Carter on housebuilding

Developers should not be forced to pay up front to meet the costs of new roads, schools and other community facilities associated with their schemes, according to the leader of Kent County Council.

Guardian editor

Guardian editor

Hospitals show improvement

Hospitals show improvement

Landlord fined for breaches

Landlord fined for breaches

MPs probe Damian Green arrest

MPs probe Damian Green arrest

Jailed: Man with 13,000 photos

Jailed: Man with 13,000 photos

Jailed: Man with 13,000 photos

eBay man finds job

eBay man finds job

Gurkha march

Gurkha march

MPs expenses revealed

MPs expenses revealed

Javelin train

Javelin train

The first High Speed Javelin train with passengers on board is doing a return trip from London St Pancras to Ashford International today.

Jail for drug-fuelled attack?

Jail for drug-fuelled attack?

Tributes paid to 'Popsy'

Tributes paid to 'Popsy'

Earl and Countess of Wessex to

Earl and Countess of Wessex to

The Earl and Countess of Wessex will visit this year’s Kent County Show.

Villagers buy local pub

Villagers buy local pub

Military fitness

Military fitness

It was more Mr Motivator than barking Sergeant Major as a new way of getting in shape came to Canterbury.

Police hunt alleged attacker

Police hunt alleged attacker

Jobless total rises again

Jobless total rises again

Clark and Thompson

Clark and Thompson

House blaze

House blaze

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